Thursday, January 17, 2008

From worse

The spot on Jen's heart appears to be a fungal infection of the tricuspid valve. I can't tell you how bad this news is, her prognosis is not good. I've stopped researching it for the day because it's too much to bear at the moment.

Because of her fragile state, they most likely will not try to remove the infection surgically, but try to control it with medication. I was looking into new research in this area and found little.

The best thing at this point would be to go ahead with the gastroectomy when she is more stable. The infection attacks through open areas, such as the PICC line site, and she has been at increased risk because of the TPN which is damaging her liver. If she can eat again or use the J-tube then they can remove that line, and her risk of infection reduces and she will hopefully get healthier...though this fungal infection will most likely never be killed off.

Please see her if you can, or call her. You can email me to find out the room number.


Miss Jessica said...


kristine and i are coming tomorrow night after work. we are leaving here around 4 p.m. and should be there after 5 p.m.

when will you be there? we are bringing silly presents--is there ANYTHING she needs?


Noel said...

Hi Paul,

Kristine and I would like to come out around lunch time today - apprx. 12:30. Would that be ok? Is there anything we can bring?

Thank you,
(510) 267-7611 -

Mel M said...

Just read through the blog for the first time, Paul. Thanks for putting it all out there. Please give Jen my love and a big hug. I'm going to try to come see her next week when my hubby's back in town to look after the gerlz.

What can I do or bring that might lift her spirits? Can she have plants in her room?

Paul said...

Sorry I'm lagging behind in the comments.

Feel free to visit her whenever it's convenient.

Jen likes her usual stuff, strange, cute toys and the like. She can have plants, it's just that plants don't always like the dark rooms that much.

Thank you all for your concern.